Thursday, February 25, 2010

A To-Do List Post Script

For the record, the “cleaning” parts of my to-do list were comically simple: take out the garbage and rinse out my bathroom sinks. So why I spent the last hour wearing yellow rubber gloves, up to my elbows in bleach, and scraping soap scum off of everything with a plastic knife, I couldn’t tell you. Unless, of course, cleaning has finally been added to the List of Things I Would Rather Do Than Homework.

{Which is saying something, because today’s homework was, in theory, fairly painless: read through chapter 10 of Great Expectations, outline my next writing assignment for my creative nonfiction class, and come up with 200 semi-intelligent and mostly coherent words on Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shallot.”}

Other things on the list include, but are not limited to:

-Lying in bed not sleeping
-Lying in bed facebooking and blog stalking
-Clicking on blog side bars, taking me through a never ending stream of mostly painfully boring blogs that are somehow connected to someone I might know in some way
-Inventing clever ways to start text conversations with people the person I want to talk to
-Forcing myself not to text said person because one of the things on my to-do list reads: Don’t text {the boy}
-Writing in my journal and then writing the same thing, only vaguer, in my blog
-Watching the first half of The Real World: DC {But not the second half, as I have yet to make it through an entire episode since Sister & her Fiancé watched the season premier with me over Christmas break}
-Making pointless lists

So, anything equally as silly on your procrastination list today? If you feel inclined, please share!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

1. fall asleep at 4:00 and be late for work at 4:30 because of said sleep?
just kidding. that was not on my list today. but it happened.