Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All the Durkin Apples Fell Pretty Close to the Tree

Right now, I am playing hookie.

I went to school for my first two classes and then decided to skip my last two while sitting in lecture.

As I walked to my car I made a mental list of all the reasons why it is perfectly ok that I ditch today.

Here is what I came up with.

*I am really sleepy.
*I am a little sick. {i.e. my throat is kinda sore...}
*It is raining.
*I have to go to work at 5.
*I have homework I should do before work.
*I am craving orange juice and soup. {Still working on this one.}
*I texted my friend and told him I was considering going home and if I didn't hear from him by the time the class ended in 15 minutes, I would take that as a sign he approved. It took him 22 to get back to me, and I was already walking up the parking garage stairs.
*Sometimes, you just need to not go to class.

It's good, no? I especially like the fact that I stepped outside, turned to khood, and said "It's raining! Of course I can't go to class today!"

I came home to find Dad and Michael asleep/watching tv on the couch.

At noon. On a Wednesday.

I guess the entire Durkin family is playing hookie today.

That's what happens when it rains.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

everyone needs a day away to have to think for themselves (;