Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dedicated To All My Non-Arizonan Friends.

Apparently, certain parts of the country are being buried in snow. Or something.

Out here in AZ, things are a little different.

Here is a picture I snapped with my camera phone today while I visited the temple with khood.

{I was wearing a skirt, tights, and a short sleeved shirt, by the way. We could both smell the flowers. It was enough to make me forget I hate hate hate this month- for now. It was almost enough to make me think I love love love it.}

I'm speaking in church on Sunday, and I'm a little nervous. I'm not actually nervous for the standing-up-in-front-of-people-part, but I am nervous for the preparing-a-meaningful-talk-part. I just pray that I will find something worthwhile to say.

Oh, and as an update to yesterday's post, I'll tell you that I did finish my homework. I turned in the first draft of my first big writing assignment for my creative nonfiction class. And, long story short, I kind of hate it. At least I have two weeks to "revise." What that really means is I have 2 weeks to rewrite an entire paper. If only someone will remind me to start before 1 week + 6 days from now. Remind me of today and how sleepy I was and how my throat was so sore, probably from lack of sleep. But don't say probably. Tell me it definitely was from lack of sleep. Also remind me that not getting enough sleep makes you die sooner. That's true, right?

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