Sunday, January 31, 2010

Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Mad at the World.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because the sun is quick to set and slow to rise.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because a mountain of homework looms on my horizon with no end in sight.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because I turn the heat on in my car in the morning and the ac on in the afternoon.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because I am already dreaming of spring. And spring makes me think of falling in love. Every year, without fail.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because my stomach gets a knot in it when I realize that this year, just like every other, February will arrive despite all of my protests.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because I spent this past week in a special kind of gloomy mood that I reserve specifically for the days I am mad at the world.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because Valentine’s Day is practically upon us.

I can tell because my music has been a touch lonelier as of late.

I can tell because I am planning an escape to Tucson.

I can tell because my flair for the melodramatic is at full force once again.

I can tell because I’m not doing any of my homework but the stress has yet to settle into my chest like a bad cold I can't shake.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because I have not been the friend I told him I would be.

It is the last day of January.

I can tell because I am looking toward the future, desperate to escape the stifling claustrophobia of the present.

It is the last day of January.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bonus Points For Making Me Uncomfortable

I went on a date last night.

And, I don’t know.

He’s nice, and funny. He has super white teeth and understood my Bizarro Jerry reference.

On the other hand, he is absolutely in love with Mesa, Arizona, and he listens to John Mayer. I could never wear heels in his presence and he says Sein-field.

And I know that doesn’t sound like much, but if those are the only things I can think about, doesn’t that say something?

One thing I have learned is that when you kinda sorta like a guy and you go on a date with someone else, it is pretty much just going to leave you thinking about the guy you actually care about even more. So that explains the dream I had last night and the pit I had in my stomach when my date mentioned that he wanted to take me out again. I mumbled something lame, knowing I would have time to figure out a way to decline later.

And lest it seems like I am blowing this guy off because he can’t pronounce Seinfeld correctly and he’s not 6 feet tall, I guess I should just put it out there that I didn’t feel anything. No excitement, no butterflies, no real desire to go out with him again.

So there. Maybe I am just a little bit stuck on a guy who couldn’t care less. And maybe I am a jerk. But I gave it a shot, and it didn’t work out.

Although it would have been nice if it did.

**Side note. While we were picking up out food last night we happened to run into someone my date knew a little bit. {Which subsequently happened at least 5 or 6 times over the course of the night, I wasn’t kidding about the being in love with Mesa thing.} So they start talking a little bit and the guy looks at us and remarks, “So you’re not married right? I don’t see a ring…”

Now that things were nice and awkward and my date hurried to assure him that we weren’t married I chimed in with the fact that it was out first date, thinking the guy would probably look embarrassed and apologize.


Instead, he says, “Oh ok, so we’re probably looking at a wedding in midsummer then?”

Not okay dude.

Now, it actually wasn’t that horrible, and I have definitely endured way more awkward situations in my life, but what the heck?! The guy barely knew my date, so it wasn’t even like they were the type who could joke around. He was just socially inept, clearly.

Also, when did I get old enough to be married?

It might have been nice had someone clued me in.

Friday, January 29, 2010

confession #4.

today, linkin park came on the radio on my drive home from school. instead of changing the station, i'm embarrassed to admit i turned the volume up and totally rocked out, all the while thinking of the time so many years ago a friend and i spent the entire afternoon trying to win linkin park tickets over the radio.

commence judgement.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Bedtime Story

My very first ENG 217 assignment, as promised.

Note, the names have not been changed, on the grounds that it seems kind of pointless.

“He’s going to kiss you” Natalie remarked for what felt like the hundredth time that night.

“No he’s not” I answered, making sure to turn away from her as I said it so she would not see the grin on my face. I so badly wanted him to kiss me, but I did not want Natalie to know that in case it didn’t happen. I looked into the mirror again to check my makeup and hair, wondering as I did so if my outfit was motorcycle appropriate. Having never been on one, I wasn’t sure. I had opted for jeans and converse, which felt right, but my top was red with flowers, extremely girly and ruffled. It was my favorite shirt, and I needed something special for the occasion. Even my mom remarked how cute I looked as I left the house, surprised that I had dressed so carefully to spend a night with the girls. I just shrugged and ducked out of the house as quickly as possible, hoping to ward of suspicion. I was a terrible liar. My long straight blonde hair was down around my shoulders, sleek and shiny, which was something else that did not seem to mesh with my planned activity for the night. But I liked this boy and I looked best with my hair down. The choice was obvious.

“What time is he coming?” she asked, glancing casually at the clock. I knew she was almost as apprehensive about this as I was, but I felt like we were both doing a pretty good job of hiding it. I looked over at the clock. The blaring red numbers read 10:45. My stomach did a small flip.

“15 minutes.”

“You know,” she said, “I’m not really sure if my parents will love the idea of you getting picked up by some guy on a motorcycle at 11 o’clock at night.”

“He’s not some guy” was my reply. But I knew she was right. The chance of her parents saying something to mine was way too big to risk. “It’s cool though, I’ll tell him to meet me on the corner.” I picked up my phone to send the text.

“Well I’m not sure how I feel about letting you get picked up on the corner by some guy on a motorcycle! What if you get hurt? What if your mom finds out?” The uneasiness we had both been experiencing all night finally started to emerge. Thankfully she waited until after it was too late to change my mind.

“Don’t say on the corner like I’m a prostitute!” I answer as I attempted to keep myself from thinking about her objections. I knew she was fulfilling her duty as my best friend by issuing the standard warnings and I did not have any good responses to her valid questions. I could get hurt; I knew for a fact that he had crashed his bike before. With a girl on the back, no less! And I just about died inside when I thought about my mom finding out. I had no idea what would happen, as I spent my entire adolescence being the “good girl” who never snuck out of the house or did something her parents told her not to do. But here I was, the beginning of my senior year, ready to be a little rebellious. All I knew for a fact was that my father had been in a bad motorcycle crash when he was younger, and when I nonchalantly suggested to my mom that I take a ride on Eric’s bike her answer was a firm and unyielding “No!”

At five till eleven I quietly crept down Natalie’s stairs and made my way to the corner of her street. The dark of the night gave me chills, despite the warm September air. It was quiet. I stopped under the streetlight and listened for the distant sound of a roaring motorcycle. I heard nothing; so I waited. As the minutes ticked by my excited nerves turned to dread. What if he didn’t show up? The thought killed me. Slowly, I sat down and rested my head on my knees, wondering for the first time if I was in over my head. I glanced back at Natalie’s house where her bedroom light was off but I knew she was also straining to hear the sounds of Eric’s bike. Getting stood up was simply not an option. He had to show.

After an agonizing five minutes my phone mercifully buzzed.

Sorry I’m late. Had to stop for gas. I’ll be there soon.

My heart leapt. And then it started drumming faster and faster. Unsure of what to do with myself, I stood up. But that felt awkward. I sat back down and scuffed my shoes against the pavement. When I finally heard the sounds of his bike a smile so big my face hurt appeared out of nowhere. It was the sound of excitement, of freedom, of rebellion, and of danger. All of these feelings were largely unfamiliar to me and what I considered my sheltered life. In that moment, I was completely sure of my decision. I looked down and wiped the smile away, wary of letting him know how excited I was.

He rounded the corner and pulled to a stop right in front of me. I looked up at him as he climbed off the bike and pulled his helmet off. My initial reaction was that he looked different in his non-work attire. I had only ever seen him in a white shirt and tie. My second reaction was that he looked tall. And cute. I smiled again, no longer making an attempt to hold it back.

We exchanged slightly awkward hellos.

“You didn’t bring a jacket like I told you too!” he said.

“I forgot.” I lied. In reality, I was afraid that a jacket in September would tip my mom off that something unusual was going on. No one needs a jacket when it is still 85 degrees outside. “I’ll be fine.”

He chuckled to himself. “If you say so. But if you need mine let me know.”

“Will do.” I did not plan on needing it. After all, it was warm enough outside that I was questioning my choice to wear jeans, let alone a jacket.

Eric tossed me my helmet which I held uneasily in my hands and began to explain the bike: where I would be sitting, where I would put my feet, and a host of other information that I never even processed. When he looked back up at me expectantly I plopped the helmet on my head, hyper aware that it most likely lowered me a few notches on the attractiveness scale I know boys are so fond of. I felt like if I had been a 6 before, the helmet lowered me to a 4.

“You know, if I get hurt, my mom will kill you. And then she’ll fire you.”

“She’ll fire both of us” he said laughing as he walked over to my side and helped me with the straps on the helmet. I looked up so he could see them more easily and found myself staring directly into his face, mere inches away. My stomach danced uncontrollably. When he finished we made eye contact for a fraction of a second and then stepped back. He quickly hopped on the bike and motioned for me to follow.

“Where do I hold on?” I was pretty sure I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it.

“You hold on to me!” He grinned at me and I returned the favor, approaching the bike confidently as the sound of my heart threatened to wake the neighbors. I swung my leg over the bike and as I did so my stomach did one final flip and my palms clammed up. I put them around his stomach and shut my eyes in a dramatic fashion.

“You ready?” He called as he kicked the bike to life.

I was.

P.S. Posting this feels a little too indulgent. Please smack me upside the head if it was.

confession #3

sometimes, you meet a boy. and you talk and laugh and he gets your number and the two of you hang out. sometimes you sit in his car until 2 am getting to know each other and making plans to eat ridiculous amounts of hamburgers and mexican truck tacos until you get a text from dad, prompting you to reluctantly go inside with a goofy grin on your face. so then maybe a week goes by, and you talk and kinda try to see each other over the weekend, but it doesn't really work out the way you thought it would. and suddenly it is monday again, and you haven't talked to him all day, so you send him a text. and then, then... you get the fun task of accepting the fact that said boy is just not that into you! because, if he was, he would totally answer your dumb text.

Monday, January 25, 2010

It Must Be A New Semester; It's 1 am and Nothing is Done

I like to think that I am not that different than most other people. So when I say that some days are just harder than others, I assume most of you know what I am talking about. I can have a fabulous Sunday at church where I felt the Spirit so strongly I cried in Sacrament meting for perhaps the first time memory (recent or otherwise) and then come home to find that quite immediately and unexpectedly every good thing about the day has fallen apart. And I think you understand what I mean.

Today (the after church part, anyway) was one of those days that can only be characterized as difficult.

It was difficult to be happy. Difficult to carry on conversations without snapping at people. Difficult to talk to most of my friends. Difficult to get out of bed. Difficult to eat. Difficult to feel good about myself. Difficult to be content with the present, difficult to keep an eye on the future. Difficult to get my mind out of the past. Difficult to listen to anything other than Jack’s Mannequin Spinning on repeat over and over again. Difficult to do my homework. Difficult to look at my syllabus to figure out what the homework is. Difficult to keep myself from wallowing. Difficult not to be an obnoxious, self-absorbed pain in the neck. Difficult to get down on my knees and ask for help. Difficult to open my Book of Mormon.

Just difficult, is what I’m saying.

I was texting a friend about this remarking that I could pick out a few concrete reasons for my bad mood but added together they weren’t nearly enough to justify my serious funk. He remarked that sometimes the small things multiply themselves rather than adding. And while that’s true, it is seriously not fair. It’s not fair that a stomach ache plus an obnoxious girl flirting with a boy I like plus a burned tongue plus an older brother who teases me can somehow multiply together to creating 8 hours of serious unpleasantness. Especially after such a good day in church. It’s not fair that I could have come home and painlessly done my homework and then had time to read or spend time with my family or call a friend. Instead, it is now well past midnight and I have yet to touch my school bag. It is 12:45 am and I feel not only unhappy but also idiotic.

I should have known better.

"And Nothing is very strong: strong enough to steal away a man's best years not in sweet sins but in a dreary flickering of the mind over it knows not what and knows not why, in the gratification of curiosities so feeble that the man is only half aware of them, in drumming of fingers and kicking of heels, in whisting tunes that he does not even like, or in the long, dim labyrinth of reveries that have not even lust or ambition to give them relish, but which, once chance association has started them, the creature is too weak and fuddled to shake off." -C.S. Lewis

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It Turns Out I'm Fairly Easy to Please

Tonight could have been better.

Let us list the ways.

*ASU could have made their free throw shots. Or their three point shots. Or any shots at all.
*They could have not embarrassed themselves on their home court.
*They could have won. {In theory.}
*The Ex could have sat somewhere other than 10 feet in front of me.
*I could have gone out with a certain boy instead of going to the miserable game.
*I could have gone out with a certain other boy instead of going to the miserable game.
*I could have done something better after the game than going to a dance party when I was not in the mood to dance.
*I could be in bed right now instead of watching Jersey Shore on MTV and eating my weight in honey roasted almonds.

I suppose tonight could have been worse though.

I mean, I did get to spend time at the awesome game with my friends. And I got to see khood shove the obnoxious U of A fan out of her way after the game. And at the end of it all I got to chat with a certain boy on Facebook.

So it looks I’ll be going to bed with a smile on my face tonight, after all.

Go figure.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

confession #2

i wish being single was always this much fun.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tell It Slant

I think I’m in love.

I know it sounds premature, but I simply cannot help myself.

After two very short days, I am in love with my ENG 217 class.

The unofficial title of the class is Writing Reflective Essays.

Last night we had our first homework assignment. I was genuinely excited about it all day.

I rushed home from work, sat down at my laptop, and didn’t move until I was finished.

I wrote 2 pages, single spaced, and then forced myself to stop. Today in class the professor told us we should have aimed for 1 page, double spaced.

Yep. I am that incredibly annoying overachiever. I was almost embarrassed to turn my homework in.

I read the introduction and the first chapter of the book, and I was enthralled. I wanted to keep reading.

I wanted to keep reading my textbook.

I know.

The introduction opened with an Emily Dickinson quote {whom I am not particularly fond of} and it was hook, line, and sinker.

Tell all the Truth but tell it Slant
Success in Circuit lies…

As I read the book I came to realize that this class is what I am all about. I have always known I wanted to be a writer, and I always just assumed I would write novels. But in reality, I don’t write very much fiction. I write in my journal. I write in this blog. I write about myself, about my life, about people I know. I write these things almost compulsively. And I love it.

So maybe, just maybe, I want to write Creative Nonfiction?

{Insert lame joke about an oxymoron here.}

I enjoy writing the most when it is a personal experience. I love the idea of connecting with myself and others through representation and exploration of real events.

Am I boring you?

I’ll try to stop.

Last night I could not wait to write about “a scene out of your own life that was of utmost importance.”

It was great. {The experience, not necessarily my paper.}

I told "All the Truth"

But I "Told it Slant."

Just like Dickinson instructed.

I think this semester I am going to post some of my work on here.

And I’ll see what you guys think. {If you would be so kind as to oblige.}

And maybe soon I’ll start with my very first assignment.

I’ll give you a hint. It’s about a boy. And a motorcycle. And if you know me at all, I have probably already told you the story.

After all, the prompt did specify utmost importance.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"The Purpose of this Class is to Change You."

I am trying to get into the habit of looking at the bright side. Of making a list of the good things about my life when I am not loving the present circumstances. It’s a practice in counting my blessings, if you will.

I knew one of these lists would be required when my alarm went off at 7 am this morning, and when it went off again at 7:30, reminding me that, like it or not, the semester has officially begun.

So here it is. My list of the reasons why today didn’t actually suck.

**It was beautifully overcast, cool, and windy all day. And as I write this the forecasted rain is finally starting to appear.
**It only took my one 20 minute trip to the bookstore to get all of my books. All 19 of them.
**The lady who teaches my 9 am class has a really sweet, sugary voice. This would normally annoy me, but seems not so bad at 9 am when I am still trying to wake up.
**My institute class, The Atonement, Forgiveness, and Repentance, is going to be fabulous.
**I got to wear the new pair of jeans I bought myself for two reasons. 1) I need new jeans. 2) I needed a reason to look forward to going to school. It kind of worked.
**I ran into Mormon Boy at the institute, something that didn’t happen once all last semester.
**I deposited my ASU refund check!

And finally

**I picked up my ticket to the ASU vs. U of A game this Saturday, as well as for the Cal & Stanford games. I am so ready to see my Sun Devils {who are leading the Pac-10} destroy those Wildcats. {But I still love you Nic Wise! And even you too Kyle Fogg!}

Hopefully your day didn't suck either. Even if you did have to go to school.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Nothing I Haven't Said Before

School starts tomorrow.

I am neither excited nor prepared.

What I am prepared to do is spend another week sleeping in late, going to the gym, watching Cash Cab + Stephen Colbert, taking afternoon naps, and generally living the life of a retiree {minus a few hours a week waiting tables at the local RR}. Sure, I got a little bored, but I am not ready to trade that boredom for months of stress and headaches and sleep deprivation.

I am positive there was a time I liked school. Loved it, even. But I barely remember that time. Admittedly I had two classes this fall that I thoroughly enjoyed, found interesting and intellectually stimulating, but when it comes down to it, it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t enough to keep the school junkie in me from dying a painful death. Wasn’t enough to get me excited about 4 English classes and the many many hours of reading and writing papers that will result in said classes.

I’m tired. I have been out of school for 5 weeks and I am still tired. I am tired when I think about this semester. I am tired when I think about 2.5 more years of this.

And now I have sufficiently bummed myself out after an unexpectedly lovely weekend.

Only 4 more days until the next one.

I’ll be counting my time in weekends from now until mid-May. Care to join me?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

letters to crushes.

I wrote this fabulously long and fairly boring post about my entire weekend. About staying out late and meeting new friends and finally making it to 4 miles.

And then I stumbled across this website, and I realized sometimes less is more. And sometimes people just want to believe in love. {And I think this is a better way to end the lovely weekend than 500 words on Mormon bonfires.}


i was thinking this summer that maybe we could fall in love. you interested?
— girl


Dear Self,

You’re going to be fine.

Sure you’re a little moody, and a little crazy, and a little unsure of everything you want. (Being honest, who isn’t?) But you’re fine.

The answers will come. You will understand what you’re supposed to be doing. You’ll find someone to love. And you’ll figure it out eventually.

You will, and you know it.

In the meantime, keep smiling.




A. best friend.
B. crush.
C. girlfriend.

I want to be your “D,” your “all of the above.”

— girl


it’s vaguely humorous that all the while you’re sinking in loneliness, here i am unable to quit wondering about you. i wish you knew someone out there notices your efforts to be a decent human being. you’re all sorts of wonderful.
— sirry rabbit


Tomorrow marks the last day of real freedom for the next 4 months.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

confession #1

occasionally, when my heart {or ego} is feeling a little dented I still call up The Ex in an effort to make myself feel better. i always regret it about one minute into the conversation when he starts thinking I am calling because I want to hang out. i don't.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Tragic Flaw, Revisited

Tragic Flaw;
noun Literature.
A flaw in the character of the protagonist of a tragedy that brings the protagonist to ruin or sorrow.

Do you remember on Monday when I pointed out that holding on to things “might” be my tragic flaw?


It turns out acknowledging the presence of said flaw does nothing to get rid of it. Because, according to every literature class I have taken over the past 4 years, the tragic flaw will always lead to a downfall. There is simply no help for it. So the fact that on Sunday night the boy and I both wisely agreed that friendship wasn’t in the stars for us and I left His house in the early hours of the morning filled with resolve… really, when it comes right down to it, means nothing. Wednesday night {a mere 3 days after this conversation took place!} found us nobly {i.e. idiotically, masochistically…} recommitting ourselves to the cause of friendship for no logical reason I can think of other than the fact that we both “need” a friend, and we both enjoy each other’s company. And these two reasons are apparently enough to risk a second backfiring like the one that resulted in the 4.5 hour long “conversation” that was Sunday night.

So my excuse is my tragic flaw. I don’t know what his is.

And the only hope for me lays in the possibility that just maybe my life isn’t a tragedy. Perhaps it is a comedy after all, and this misguided friendship won’t lead to "great loss and misfortune". I’ll have to keep a running total of the events of my life to know for sure, à la Harold Crick in Stranger Than Fiction. {Skip ahead to 5:50 if you don’t have 8 minutes to spare.}

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Every YSA Activity. Ever.

Dwight Schrute: What do you have in mind?

Michael Scott: I was thinking maybe like a mixer.

Dwight Schrute: Oh... that's a terrible idea.

Michael Scott: Old-fashioned meat market. I don't think it is.

Dwight Schrute: No. Lonely people mixing with one another? Breeding? Creating an even lonelier generation? You're not even allowing natural selection do its work. Pssh. You're like the guy who invented the seat belt.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Here's A Question For Your Monday Morning

How long does it take to:

swap relationship horror stories & examine old wounds
laugh together & commiserate at said stories
clear up rumors
become better friends
experience too many awkward pauses to count
exchange too many "looks" to count
play with the ugly dog
muster up the courage to say what's on your mind
psychoanalyze your friend
make both of you feel like crap
resolve nothing
end a friendship
and hug goodbye...

all in one sitting?

Only 4.5 hours.


It probably could have been a lot faster, but I tend to hold on to things. Especially when I know I am losing them. It is quite possibly my tragic flaw. I held on to Gilbert when I moved to Tucson, I held on to The Ex when I knew it was not working, and I held on to last night out of fear that in the morning things would not be the same again.

It is all up to me, of course, whether or not things stay the same. He told me that. But maybe it is time I stop holding on. I have spent the past 2.5 months trying to balance my life with him in it, and it has been exhausting.

For once, just one day, I wish my life could be balanced, without me having to try so hard to get it there. I'm like a friggen' circus performer these days.

And I need a break.

Friday, January 8, 2010

In Case You’ve Been Wondering Where I’ve Been

I have not been writing much lately.

Why is that, you ask?

Well, here’s the thing. Usually I write at night before I go to sleep. It occurs to me that maybe I like to write at night because that is when I am the most exhausted, the most reflective, and the most vulnerable. I have less of a filter at 1 in the morning than I do at noon, and in order to keep this writing thing going I have to be willing to let go of the filter that tells me that I shouldn’t let complete strangers into my world.

Writing typically gets my brain whirling, however, which is why it takes me so much longer to fall asleep on the nights when I spend even just a few minutes committing my thoughts to paper. Once I let go of my filter for all of you lovelies, however, {or even for my journal} there goes all hope for me. I have always had trouble sleeping when there is a lot on my mind. It does not matter if I am happy, nervous, excited, angry, or stressed. If I am feeling a particularly strong emotion chances are my brain will be in overdrive. I have yet to perfect the art of shutting my brain off.

And I cannot sleep unless my brain is in the off position.

And lately, I have just wanted some sleep; which is why my nightly routine over break has been perfected to let me avoid thinking at all costs. I stay up way too late watching trashy reality TV with Sister, then head to bed to read my Book of Mormon {6 days a week!} and then turn on a DVD {The Office, natch} so I can drift quickly off to sleep while my brain continues to turn to mush and I don’t have to waste precious sleeping hours stressing or even daydreaming. {Ok, maybe there is still some daydreaming.}

This is not to say I have not been participating in some serious over-analyzing. {This is me, we’re talking about.} Over the past 4 days I have been doing my thinking while on the elliptical machine at the gym at 10 in the morning, when I do not have to worry about falling asleep anytime soon. Plus, the exercise is able to release some of the frustration that gets pent up in my restless mind and body. And boy, have I been restless. Perhaps it is a side effect of my new routine. Or of an extended Christmas break of junk food, questionable TV, and an ever present attachment to my cell phone. But I am trying to snap out of it. Trying to balance the on edge feeling that grips me all day and the ennui I let take over around 11 pm or so.

I’m trying.

But for tonight, I am going to just continue to listen to this song and fruitlessly attempt to turn my brain off once again.

I am already reaching for the remote.

** It's sixteen miles, to the Promise Land, and I promise You I am doing the best I can**

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good Intentions

For the cynic in me:

"New Year's Day--Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever."

--Mark Twain

For the romantic in me:

"As a new year begins and we try to benefit from a proper view of what has gone before, I plead with you not to dwell on days now gone nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays, however good those yesterdays may have been. The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives."

--Jeffrey R. Holland

And, I don't know; they are both smart men, but I cannot help but side with Holland this year. Last year, when I made no resolutions, I would have celebrated the frailty of men with Twain. But this year things feels different. I guess I am just feeling a little bit hopeful, a little bit faithful, and more than a little excited about my future.

My resolutions have been considered, made, and written down.

2010, I think I am finally ready for you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009. Once More, With Feeling

Two.Thousand.Nine was a rough year. It was the year I grew up, and the year I learned to make decisions. I am pretty excited to forget most of it as soon as possible, but I couldn't let this day pass completely ignored. So here is a review. In pictures.

**In January I moved in with Regan and together we fell in love with U of A basketball. The U of A v. Houston game is still one of my favorite memories from freshman year.

**In February it snowed in Tucson and I stood in the street with hundreds of screaming college kids enjoying the magic of the moment.

**In March I spent spring break in the lovely Gilbert, Arizona and wondered what it would be like to move back to my hometown.

**In May I finished my first year of college, said goodbye to my friends, packed my stuff, and moved back home.

**In July I started my job at Red Robin and experienced the worst heartache of my life.

**In August I hiked the Grand Canyon with people I barely knew in an attempt to numb a broken heart. It worked. I also started my first semester at ASU and purchased my very first car, a Suzuki named Conan.

**In September my older brother was married in the Mesa, Arizona temple and I started dating again. Overwhelmed, I took a much needed trip to Tucson to visit my old roomie and some very good friends.

**In October I turned 20, I went away with my ward, and my heart finally gave in to the healing process. {Halloween helped with this.}

**In November I dated. And I experienced my first crush and break up since The Ex. It wasn't fun, but it could have been worse.

**In December, I finished my first semester at ASU. And I celebrated my favorite time of year with my loved ones.

The.End. Officially. Here is hoping for a better 2010. Resolutions to follow.