Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good Omens

I knew the day was going to be a good one, or at the very least had good day potential, when I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of rain against my window,

and the sight and smell of these beauties in my bedroom. {I am afraid that I am going to have to start splurging on fresh flowers for myself, as my mood lifts ever so slightly each time I glance their way.}

And then I got to drive to one of my very favorite places

with two of my very favorite people

in my brand new {albeit used} Suzuki Forenza, Conan. He is from Japan, and I love him dearly.

And then I had a very short shift but still came home with some cash

and ended the night with a late dinner; my very first omelet. I know, I don't understand how that is possible either. But it was delicious. And cheesy. And delicious. {Mine looked better than this, thanks entirely to Mom & Sandy, and we even took pictures, but Sandy flew away with them this morning.}

Actually, we ended the night with dinner and a show.

Not a bad day, at all.


Sandy said...

that's not our omelet, is it? i think our omelet looked slightly less delicious (not that it tasted so...).

karajean said...

Nope, not our omelet. You have those pics. I think ours looked better than this cause of all the potatoes!