Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Nothing I Haven't Said Before

School starts tomorrow.

I am neither excited nor prepared.

What I am prepared to do is spend another week sleeping in late, going to the gym, watching Cash Cab + Stephen Colbert, taking afternoon naps, and generally living the life of a retiree {minus a few hours a week waiting tables at the local RR}. Sure, I got a little bored, but I am not ready to trade that boredom for months of stress and headaches and sleep deprivation.

I am positive there was a time I liked school. Loved it, even. But I barely remember that time. Admittedly I had two classes this fall that I thoroughly enjoyed, found interesting and intellectually stimulating, but when it comes down to it, it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t enough to keep the school junkie in me from dying a painful death. Wasn’t enough to get me excited about 4 English classes and the many many hours of reading and writing papers that will result in said classes.

I’m tired. I have been out of school for 5 weeks and I am still tired. I am tired when I think about this semester. I am tired when I think about 2.5 more years of this.

And now I have sufficiently bummed myself out after an unexpectedly lovely weekend.

Only 4 more days until the next one.

I’ll be counting my time in weekends from now until mid-May. Care to join me?


Annalise said...

Yes, I would care to join you. I'm just like you-an ex-school lover. Sad, isn't it?

karajean said...

It's definitely sad. Maybe this semester we do better, eh?

Or maybe we just count weekends.