Monday, January 11, 2010

Here's A Question For Your Monday Morning

How long does it take to:

swap relationship horror stories & examine old wounds
laugh together & commiserate at said stories
clear up rumors
become better friends
experience too many awkward pauses to count
exchange too many "looks" to count
play with the ugly dog
muster up the courage to say what's on your mind
psychoanalyze your friend
make both of you feel like crap
resolve nothing
end a friendship
and hug goodbye...

all in one sitting?

Only 4.5 hours.


It probably could have been a lot faster, but I tend to hold on to things. Especially when I know I am losing them. It is quite possibly my tragic flaw. I held on to Gilbert when I moved to Tucson, I held on to The Ex when I knew it was not working, and I held on to last night out of fear that in the morning things would not be the same again.

It is all up to me, of course, whether or not things stay the same. He told me that. But maybe it is time I stop holding on. I have spent the past 2.5 months trying to balance my life with him in it, and it has been exhausting.

For once, just one day, I wish my life could be balanced, without me having to try so hard to get it there. I'm like a friggen' circus performer these days.

And I need a break.


Jen said...

I'm so sorry.
On another note, when I first read this I thought you were talking about our lunch meeting. Just shows you how self centered I am!

karajean said...

Ahhh I wish! But alas, this ended on a way more depressing note than out lunch meeting. Sadly.