My mom thinks it might be trying to *tell* me something.
Yep. You heard that right. My mother thinks my shirt is a sign.
Or rather, my behavior every time I wear my shirt is a sign.
It’s not.
But I will tell you about it anyway.
I was wearing said shirt a couple of months ago even though at that point I still had no idea if I was going to ASU or U of A in the fall. I put the shirt on and said offhand, “I will alternate between wearing my U of A and ASU shirts and whichever one I feel better in will be the school I go to.”
You following?
It was dumb logic, obviously, but it was also a joke.
About two minutes later I *somehow* managed to spill chocolate all over my ASU shirt. My mom said it was a sign.
I threw it in the washer.
I wore it again not too long after that and once again mysteriously got chocolate on the shirt.
My mom laughed. And said it was a sign.
I threw it in the washer.
Every time I wear my ASU shirt I spill on it. Every single time. Including today.
And every single time my mom happens to be standing close by.
She always thinks it is a sign.
It should be noted however, that I spilled on my U of A shirt last time I wore it.
My mom remarked that maybe I am not meant to attend school at all.
I tend to think it is a sign I should not be allowed to handle food anymore.
But that’s beside the point.
The point is this.
My ASU shirt always comes clean. Always.
I am inclined to think this might be an even more important sign.
I might totally screw things up, over and over again, but it will always turn out okay. I will get another chance. This decision is not the be-all end-all of my life.
Either that, or we have really good detergent.
good detergent:) mom
I think you mum needs a shrink.
haha :)
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