Thursday, March 4, 2010

Little Letters {Part III}

Dear RR,
It's about time you hire some new employees. And I'm not saying that because I am getting sick of the people I work with. {Although that is true.} I'm saying that so I can stop working 5 shifts a week. I have not worked this much since we opened last summer, and I would like to keep it that way.

Dear Dickens,
It's not that I'm not enjoying Great Expectations. Really! I am. It's just too long, and I'm afraid I won't have time to finish it before my midterm next week. So... think you could help me out here?

Did we just become best friends? Yes? That's what I thought.

Dear Professor,
I think you might be the most arrogant teacher I have ever had in my life. Also, the word is pronounced uh-pos-truh-fee, not app-o-stroph. Duh.

Dear Mailbox,
I love that you brought me mail this week! It was absolutely lovely and certainly brightened my day.

Dear Choir Boy,
A clarification. Just because I let you dance near me at that party last week does not mean we are friends. So you can stop turning around in institute and making eyes at me. It just heightens your creeper vibe.

Dear Bishop/Dad,
I think I do a pretty good job in participating in my fair share of church activities. But if you think there is any way on earth I would be caught dead at the Date Auction at the end of this month, I'll just let you know right now: There isn't.

Dear Sister-In-Law,
I need a haircut like you wouldn't believe. It's such a good thing I actually love the way you do my hair and I don't have to pretend in order to spare my brother's feelings.

Dear Everyone Who Might Someday Have a Child,
Baby modeling contests are ridiculous. Cute babies or not. They are not okay.

Dear 66 Degrees and Sunny,
I'll miss you when I'm in Michigan.

Dear Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Twice as many Durkins = Twice as much fun. Get ready.

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