Tuesday, March 9, 2010

confession #12

on my date the other night, i happened upon a “fountain” of sorts, and took two coins out of my wallet: one for my wish, and one for my date. the awful part is, i totally made a wish about another guy, and then spent the entire second act of the play we saw day dreaming about what it would be like if my wish came true.

i know, i know.

i'm going straight to hell.


Kayla said...

I love it. I love it and I'm giggling for you! I'm jealous that you can write about all this on your blog. I think everyone I know is connected somehow, so I'm sure if I wrote about my dates and similar adventures, the boy would probably find out! It's too bad, they make good stories.

A "cheery" disposition said...

I am totally been in your shoes and guess what... I am with the other guy : ).

Amanda Gates said...

hahaha you would! was this the date with the other guys best friend??

karajean said...

Kayla- Yeah, I think about that sometimes. And then I convince myself that boys don't usually read blogs, so I assume I'm ok! I would love to read about your dates though! Haha

"Cheery"- ugh, don't give me false hope!!! Hahaha

Amanda- yes, yes it is! Although, my wish wasn't about the ex/friend, so I am telling myself that makes it a little better! :)