Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Brain Dead

Yesterday, the mall broke my brain.

There were too many people, and too many stores, and too much music, and too many things on the list, and not enough time. There might have been enough time, had Sister and I not spent more than 30 minutes staring at the earing rack at Forever 21 trying to figure out the best "ghetto gold" earrings to buy for ourselves. And then another 30 minutes at Hot Topic trying to throw together a present for little brother out of tacky t-shirts and awesome Alice in Wonderland memorabilia. Oh, and was the three times we drove up and down Main street attempting to find an antique store that may or may not exist. That was practical. As was the multiple times Sister and I got turned around and drove in the wrong direction on our way from one mall to another, as if we haven't lived in this city for the last 10 years. And finally, we spent entirely too long in Victoria's Secret trying to figure out which lip gloss we could purchase within the limits of our 10 dollar gift cards {also for ourselves}.

By the end of it our heads were aching and we had complained of nearly fainting several times. Sister pointed out that we were almost like characters in a Jane Austen novel. {A comparison which, by the way, I'll gladly accept. So long as I'm Elizabeth Bennett, of course, and no one else. Except maybe Marianne Dashwood.} We think it was Forever 21 that did us in, because before that our shopping was extremely efficient, but once we were stepped inside that trendy and inexpensive vortex without a clear idea of what we wanted we were hit with sensory overload and a huge case of shopping ADD, bouncing back and forth between the different jewelry racks too many times without the facility to focus on anything in particular.

It was all just too much.

And after that, we were done for. The list went straight out the window, as did all ability to use our brains and/or make a decision. I think we both remarked more than once that we felt like crazy people {standing inside Forever 21 for too long will do that to you} and we could not understand why other people in the mall did not seem to be bothered by the terribly loud music and generally frantic atmosphere.

After about 5 hours we got to go home for a break, but it didn't last. Less than an hour later we were back in the car with the little brothers on our way to do some more Christmas shopping. Luckily Target is quieter than Pac Sun, so it was not altogether awful, although by the time we got home from this trip, Sister and I were both reaching for the Tylenol bottle.

AND, even though I made the day sound like the.worst. it was the hilarious kind of awful, which I can fully appreciate and enjoy.

So, mission accomplished!

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