Monday, August 3, 2009

A George Costanza Moment

I have been living in mild chaos the last couple of days. Chaos which has forced me to sleep downstairs on the couch. Chaos which has made the simple act of getting ready for the day nigh impossible (Yay pajamas!). Chaos which has stressed me out.

Stress which culminated in this.

My adorable skirt, ripped right in half.

I have spent the morning scouring Youtube (what a productive use of my time) looking for the clip from Seinfeld where George is in his therapists office and the zipper on his coat gets stuck. Since I could not find the clip anywhere, you will have to do your best to remember it. If you have never seen it, you have to close my blog right now and start watching Seinfeld. Seriously. Right now. Anyway, back to my story. So my zipper gets stuck half way up, and I cannot for the life of me get it to budge an inch. If you have ever had a stuck zipper, you understand that there are few things in life more frustrating. I yank and yank and yank on it, becoming increasingly flustered because today of all days is the one day I must get to church on time, as I have been asked to give the opening prayer. I finally concede and slip the skirt off of me, even though I have nothing else to wear. Still upset however, and at a loss for what to do, I continue to pull at my skirt. I pull until it rips. And then I just continue ripping it because I suddenly hate the sight of the darling skirt and never ever want to wear it again. I step on it and rip the attached slip almost to shreds. I continue to tear until all my stress has been released in the form of demolishing a perfectly good (minus the zipper) article of clothing. Good riddance. I take a deep breath. And I feel a little bit calmer.

Unfortunately though this episode took longer than anticipated. My hair was still undone and I still had nothing to wear. Hence, I was late for church on the one day I couldn’t be. And I am never late for church. I also ended up in shoes that did not match because by this time I did not care. They were cute. And sometimes that is all that matters.

Excuse me now. Someone needs to go skirt shopping.

Enjoy the videos. (Not the ones I wanted, but still entirely fabulous.)


austin said...

I just saw the "stuck zipper" episode a few days ago!

karajean said...

Well then you understand. Or you should, anyway.