Sunday, November 22, 2009

Step One.

Today at church we did the obligatory, Go-Around-The-Room-And-Name-One-Thing-You're-Thankful-For. After a minute or so I decided that I would say that I am thankful for school, because lately I have been feeling anything but. As of late school has basically been the bane of my existence, and I expend way too much time and energy cursing the entire educational institution. As I was thinking, however, I remembered President Hinckley's 6 Be's and how the first one is Be Grateful. And how I am pretty sure we are supposed to be grateful for every.single.thing. in our lives. Including opportunities that not everyone else has {aka higher education} and trials that will eventually make me a better person {aka higher education}. I also thought about a conversation I overheard in relief society, which went something like this.

Girl 1: Have you registered for next semester yet?

Girl 2: No. I'm not sure if I'm going to school next semester. I kind of want to drop out and just go to MCC and take joke classes.

Girl 1: {Insert reaction I cannot recall because I was so engrossed in Girl 2's comments.}

Girl 2: Yeah, and {boyfriend} is not helping. He's really encouraging me to dropout!

Girl 1: Really? He wants you too?

Girl 2: Yeah. He says he would love it.


Um, what?!? At the risk of not only sounding judgmental, but of definitely judging this girl and her boyfriend, I never want to be like that. I never want to be with someone like that. So this Thanksgiving I am going to make an honest effort to be thankful for this ridiculous thing called college.

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