{If you would rather not deal with my disconnected ramblings, admire this pretty picture and skip the rest of the post.}
Half of my family (the Dad, Michael and Tommy half) are asleep. The other half (Mom, Sandy and Will) are downstairs playing Rockband. I am doing neither, although either one of those would probably be a better use of my time. Better than sitting in my room, trying to blog through fake nails, listening to The Beatles “Let It Be.” I feel like even the mere mention of that song conjures images of patheticness or wistfulness or confusedness, but that is really not the case. Because just as quickly I am listening to “Come Together” and there is nothing wistful or pathetic about that. {one and one and one makes three.}
Tomorrow, or today actually, Will gets married. In less than nine hours he will be a married man. Yikes. When did this happen? No seriously, if someone could let me know that would be fabulous.
Two very short weeks into the school year (I am one day into my ridiculously welcome five day weekend) I am already wishing for life to slow down. And unfortunately, the chances of that happening are slim to none. School will get more difficult and time consuming (because, let’s face it, so it’s been a virtual walk in the park- which terrifies me because I am already slacking). Work will become more tiresome. Living at home will get lonely as opposed to a nearly effortless way to pretend like it is still summer. It will become more apparent how broke I am. Stress will settle back into my life as if he never left my side. Getting up in morning will require herculean effort due to cold and lack of sunrise. Driving to school will seem impractical when I could just sleep instead. I will probably get sick. Life will exhaust me.
Sometimes I wonder if I wasn’t born in the wrong place, if I wasn’t meant to simply lie on the beach all day, wash the surf out of my hair once a week, and smell of sunscreen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
But then again, that would not really be fair to me. Because I would miss Autumn, and I adore Autumn. Autumn and I are good friends. Best friends, even. Good things are coming too. It’s not all bad. Not by a long shot. But we still have September to get through, so I am not going to get my hopes up quite yet. We still have a lot of days to get through before the truly good ones are here. But don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted.
P.S. I think I use too many parenthesis.
Do you think in parenthesis also? I do! Your mum plays Rockband? Awesome! If only the Beatles version was already out you could have done both at the same time.(Listen to the Beatles and play Rockband, not think in parenthesis.)
I hope you enjoy today.
Ever notice parenthesis is a combination of the words "parent" and "thesis"? I wonder why?
Beatles Rockband will be awesome!
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