Monday, December 14, 2009

It's Not Rocket Science, Just Lady Gaga

I have, over the last several months, become pretty good at cheering myself up.

I know that sometimes all it takes is a little browse through blogger until I find a quote that makes me feel better. {thanks caitlin.}

Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.

-Sex and the City

And once I'm feeling single and fabulous, a quick stop by the mall for some retail therapy sounds about right. I love Christmas shopping for other people, but it is also pretty great when I find the perfect pair of sunglasses for myself.

And then I head home to take ridiculous pictures of myself in said glasses and dance around my house, by myself, to some insanely loud Lady Gaga. {I'm only sharing this last part because I know you are all way to kind to judge me for this. Right?}

And now I feel great, like I didn't even spend last night losing sleep over one lousy boy. It's as simple as that.

So how do you make yourself feel better?


Kayla said...

I love reading your blog--I get all excited about Christmas and seeing my family, even studying! haha You're an inspiration!

Ways I make myself feel better? Baking. I love to make all kinds of desserts. Running usually makes me feel fabulous, and I even feel better after I clean something. Sometimes...

karajean said...

Thanks for your comments! I love love them! And I love your ideas to make you feel better :) Exercise is such a good one. I should do that one of these days.