Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Now I Know What a Fool I've Been, But if You Kissed Me Now, I Know You'd Fool Me Again"

I think today is the first day I have really felt in the Christmas mood. The house smells like Christmas trees, we're putting up ornaments tonight (!), I get to enjoy my first Sunday in months without panicking about school tomorrow, Mom and I are holiday baking after dinner, we sang Christmas hymns at church, and I am listening to Taylor Swift's Christmas CD as I type this.


I feel good. I bore my testimony at church today. It's been cloudy, rainy, and cold for days. I finally got my schedule for next semester just the way I want it, and two of my favorite people are coming home in 1 week!

The only thing that dampens my mood ever so slightly is when Taylor's Christmas music runs out, and Cold As You starts playing, which I love, but which is a little too relevant these days.

"You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray.
And I stood there lovin' you and wished them all away.
And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you."

That minor detail aside, however, things are pretty great, and I'm pretty happy! No wonder this is my favorite time of year. All it really takes is a pine scented candle to lift my spirits.

P.S. {For Santa}

I think I want this for Christmas this year. Maybe we can switch things up a little bit?

Love, Kara

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