Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break in Blue Country, Pt 1.

What I've been doing so far, can be boiled down to a small list of things.

1. Going out to eat.

A lot.

2. Marveling at the "Harry Potter-ness" of campus.

And feeling jealous.

3. Seeing Alice in Wonderland in 3D.

And loving it.

4. Talking about wedding things with this couple.

And getting excited.

5. Shopping in the many little shops filled with many odd little things.

And being silly.

6. Spending time with my sister.

And loving every second of it.

The End.


Anonymous said...

yay!! you and your sister are so cute, i'm glad you're having fun!

also, i saw the end of the michigan-ohio state basketball game last night. soooooo sad.

Amanda Gates said...

you too are so cute!!!