Monday, November 2, 2009

Take Four

This officially marks the fourth time in 2 days I have sat down and attempted to write something. At first I was shooting for something worth reading, but that has quickly degenerated into an attempt to find words that are even worthy of being written down. At the moment I am 0 for 3, so we'll see how far I get into this before I hit the delete button in frustration.

I woke up early this morning to finish a take home midterm, and then immediately went back to sleep and slept through my first two classes. I am so tired I don't even feel like I am present on campus. I am basically a zombie in class, and if it weren't for the fact that my car feels so far away I would be spending this break taking a nap instead of doing this. I don't know why I am so exhausted. Halloween was great, but it's not like I partied that hard or stayed out until dawn. When I remark how tired I am in class {or slump over in my seat, nodding off, as the case may be} someone invariably looks at me and says "busy weekend?" I nod yes, which is then followed by "so did you totally destroy your liver too?"


"I didn't drink, I'm just tired."


It's been enough to garner a few confused shrugs.

It was a great weekend, however {sobriety and all}. My third attempt at a recap post of the holiday simply looked like this:

Halloween 2009 > Halloween 2007 + Halloween 2008

Not exactly a genius equation, granted, but still entirely true. I had the opportunity to spend time with the girls in Tempe, dress up {in my boots and a leather skirt!}, see Regan for the first time in over a month, AND dance the night away with some creepy strangers; so basically it was fantastic.

On an unrelated note, life is progressing along nicely, and by that I mean flying by so quickly that I don't even know what date it is most of the time. I cannot believe October is already gone, and we're at the "beginning of the end" portion of the semester, finishing up last assignments before talk of finals begins. I have never felt so disconnected from school in my entire life as I have this semester, but even within that I have grown to absolutely love attending my two literature classes. Sometimes, especially in Early American Literature, I find myself unable to stop smiling simply because the discussion is making me near giddy. I'm not surprised, however, as American History and English have always been my two favorite subjects. This class might just be a match made in scholastic heaven. And I am more than ok with that.

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