It is 5 am and I am awake in bed listening to a thunderstorm that I can only imagine is renting the world in two. It woke me after only 2 hours of precious sleep and I would be lying if I said the lightning did not frighten me at all, but this is the stuff monsoons are made of and I would not change a second of it. This is what I have been waiting for with baited breath for the past 2 months. It is finally here.
In honor of the ludicrous hour and the obliging weather I am going to make a list of 5 things that made me smile yesterday. 5 reasons my Monday was, for all intents and purposes, a good day.
1. I stayed in bed until noon. It sounds disgustingly idle, I know, but I loved it. I slept until after 11 and then staying in bed until after 12, and it was nothing but lovely. I ate my breakfast at lunchtime and did not change out of my pajamas until 4 pm. If that is not the very definition of a lazy summer day I don’t know what is.
2. It rained. Hallelujah. I have been desperately hoping for rain for weeks now and the sky finally gave in and gave me what I have been asking for. Thank you. Now that you’ve come I’m not even upset you were late. Just grateful. Monday evening’s rain was not the same variety of the one that is raging outside my window as I type. No, Monday’s rain was quick to arrive and even quicker to leave, leaving the earth smelling wonderful and the temperature perfect for hours and hours. The world is better after it rains. My world is better after it rains, and the moments right before it begins, and certainly those precious moments during. Rain and I have a very close relationship and I would not trade it for the world.
3. My first single’s ward FHE. Not a bad experience, considering. I actually rather enjoyed myself and I learned about a previously undiscovered talent. Paper Football. It’s not bragging to say that I’m good, just a lie to say anything otherwise. (!) It was also rejuvenating to be taught from the scriptures, a reminder that mine stay closed on my nightstand far too often.
4. Brule’s Rules. I won’t take credit for discovering these, or for previously knowing they existed, or for stumbling upon them. I watched at the suggestion of a friend, and I could not help but laugh at This and This and This.
5. Happy Hour. And the fact that my mom asked if any of my friends who would be going were people who drank. (We’re 19, Mom. We can’t buy alcohol at Applebees.) ‘Twas, all in all, a very fun experience, and one that once again kept me out entirely later than I planned. A perfect distraction from everything else.
Not a bad day at all. Here is hoping Tuesday also treats me well, and if it doesn’t, that I find reasons to smile anyway.
National Women's Day
7 years ago
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