*Dinner overlooking the Pier in Seaport Village.

*Getting hit on by the drunk Brazilian Boy who only had “one night in San Diego." {I sadly do not have a picture of this, and am including a picture of downtown instead, as that is where the proposition was made.}

*Discovering that despite my long held opinion otherwise, kettle korn is actually delicious. {Also don't have a picture of this. Shawna and I devoured the bag before I thought to document the discovery.}
*Running into the same giant Filipino family twice in Balboa Park and being ushered into their pictures/video both times while they told us we were beautiful.

*Eating a frozen banana, from a frozen banana stand, on the board walk. {click
here if you know what's good for your soul}

*Realizing that it is impossible to anything other than utterly relaxed while lying on the beach.

*Being peer pressured into buying my TOMS shoes. {"They are for a good cause!"}

*Taking silly pictures.

*My awful, terrible, sunburn. Because, hey, in a week, I am going to be
so tan! {I did take a picture of this, but have made the executive decision not to post it, as to avoid scandalizing your innocent eyes with my lasciviousness.}
Oh. A Post Script: If I end up with skin cancer 30 years down the road, consider this permission to remind me of Spring Break 2010 and say “I told you so.”